Thursday, November 26, 2009

Be Thankful!

O God, I love my sleep. Last night I went bed at around 9.30 PM.. and wokeup like 11 AM today.. but decided to continue the sleep until 2PM. I know, I sleep like a dead person, but I love every minute of it. I feel fresh & happy.

Anyway, today is Thanksgiving, so.. Happy Thanksgiving people! I think I've sort of plan for tonight, going out with couple of friends for dinner. Can't tell much about it, since I don't know anything about it except who's the host, who's come with me and what not.

Have a great day!


Well, basically i went to a dinner like, bunch of Indonesians we had this traditional dinner. Loves it. My first Thanksgiving dinner ever. But I went to Jade's house and her cousin brought her leftovers. They're the best!

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