Monday, February 16, 2009

MIXER March '09: Britney Spears

It's Britney, Bitch.

She's back! and for real this time. Although I'm not sure that she's 100% fine, but, her latest record is one of the best. Best of luck for her. Just a lil fact: I used new fonts! :D


Steph said...

Wow she looked different, almost didn't recognize her. dia kan nanti mo konser disini mien april or may gila tiketnya uda abiss bis biss dr bulan lalu pdhl gw pgn jg nonton.

Damien said...

Iya!!!! adu gw juga pengen nonton je..
ud abis ya?? padahal mo pesen weekend ini LOL..

Anonymous said...

iya minn klo disini uda abis. tinggal yg vip doang ga kuat deh ahh. dia kpn ke sono...? gw jg pgn ntn hehaha

Damien said...

dia datengnya kalo ga salah late march ato april.. hadu.. gw penasaran mo liat stagenya krn bakal kayak 3 ring circus gt

Anonymous said...

oyaa.. lo ntn dong min.. ure a big fan rite? hehe. gw lg fractured wrist ni minn..sengsara... ):

Damien said...

ga big fan sih, hahha cuma pgn liat aja gimana.
aduh kok bisa??? u ngapain? lol. get well soon ye